

2441 Uppsatser om Occupational Balance Questionnaire - Sida 1 av 163

Självskattad aktivitetsbalans hos vuxna med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning

Personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning kan ha olika svårigheter som påverkar de dagliga aktiviteterna i vardagen. Aktivitetsbalans är ett begrepp som ofta används inom arbetsterapi och beskriver en individs uppfattning av att ha en tillfredsställande mängd av aktiviteter och rätt variation mellan olika aktiviteter. Det förekommer inga studier om aktivitetsbalans kopplat till personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning vad författarna har noterat. Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva den självskattade aktivitetsbalansen hos vuxna personer med en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning. Den metod som användes var en kvantitativ icke ? experimentell tvärsnittsstudie.

Hur kan arbetsterapeuten stödja flyktingbarn i Sverige?

This candidate essay aims to examine the possibilities occupational therapists (OT) have in order to support refugee children in Sweden. The authors find the subject of current interest because there is a constant and frequently debate in our society concerning refugees, which makes us question what role the OT could have with this group. Method: This study has a qualitative approach with focus group methodology as method. At two occasions, four respectively three OTs met to discuss an in advance given interview guide. The discussions were coded on the basis of person-, group- and society perspectives.

Trädgårdsmästarens roll i en rehabiliteringsträdgård :

The aim of this essay is to find out how different factors influence the occupational role in a rehabilitation garden. The study is based on two qualitative interviews with and shadowing of the gardeners in the rehabilitation gardens of Alnarp and Gröna Rehab in Gothenburg. The result shows that the main factors that influence the occupational role is the gardener?s background, the garden/place, the participants, the team and the possibilities for development. The occupational role appears to consist of several different roles; the team-worker, the activity and project manager, the source of inspiration, the educationalist, the informer, the therapist and the fellow human being.

Kvinnors psykosociala arbetsmiljö & hälsa : - En arbetsplatsanalys av en organisation inom företagshälsovården

The following study explores the relation between psychosocial work environment and individual health. The purpose is to examine how female employees in the occupational health sector experience their own psychosocial work environment, focusing on different influencing factors in both the workplace and their private life regarding the employees own health. The study applies a hermeneutic approach in which qualitative interviews constitute the empirical data. Previous research on this particular subject has focused on the following themes: the combination of work-family life, demand/control model and flexibility in the workplace in relation to health and stress. The theoretical framework used in this study integrates relevant concepts, specifically SOC, poor leadership and flexibility.

Sociala omsorgsassistenter : de "nya" omsorgsgivarna i en omsorgsförvaltnings "paradigmskifte"

Purpose: The primary aim of the study was to analyse and discuss how employees with a secondary nursing education describe their occupational character whilst working as well as the conditions for caring acts in a changing progress towards professionalism.Questions: What are the conditions to provide a high standard of care in this changing progress? What influence does it have on the occupational character ?Method: Critical case study and focus groupsConclusion: One of the central findings of the field study was the identification of two occupational identities; traditional and pedagogical orientated. These two occupational character traits are connected with different types of occupational competence and demands different theoretical knowledge. They also have different regards concerning the new title; social omsorgsassistent. A conclusion of the study is that a professional project of a non-specific nature is unable to stress the different levels of knowledge and competence that occupational identities have when one seeking professionalism..

Art of Balance : In context of complexity

Game balance can be considerd complex - there are many factors that play a role in the perception of balance. This thesis examines complexity, game theory and intution in an effort to disconver more about the perception of balance. The findings are that tactical and strategical choices that are presented for a player need to be interesting, not to complex and not to obvious. The importance lies in the estimation of the result that the player does when making a choice..

Villkorad av verkligheten - Om produktionen av Arbetsförmedlingens yrkesbeskrivningar

The first aim of this study is to describe how the public employment service (PES) producesoccupational descriptions. The second aim is to analyse the conditions for that production.Method: The empiric material consists of seven qualitative interviews with employed at PES,operational plan for the team working with descriptions on occupations and observation notes.The overall theme in the study is Foucaults perspective on power. The conditions forproduction of occupational descriptions are understood in the light of the governmentality perspectiveand the concept of employability. Bourdieu´s concept habitus, symbolic violence and capital are usedto articulate the officials? values and experiences.Eight officials at PES produce the occupational descriptions.

Work-Life Balance : En kvantitativ studie av könsskillnader bland civilekonomstudenter

Work-Life Balance (WLB) is defined as the ability to manage both work-life and non-work life successfully. WLB can be evaluated by examining individual?s experience of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC), both of which can be assessed by a questionnaire developed by Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian (1996). The aim of this study was to explore if responses to the questionnaire, the amount of time spent on studies, household chores and sick leave, were gender related or not, among civil-accountants students. The survey included 138 respondents (74 woman and 64 men).

Arbetsterapeuters pedagogiska förhållningssätt i gruppverksamhet - en kvalitativ studie

The occupational therapist uses meaningful activities to promote health and accomplish functional progress. The professional role is to support and enable for the client to change his/her life. One way to accomplish this is to use the group as a tool. Knowledge is needed about how learning works and which teaching methods exist to promote learning, so it is adapted after the clients´ personal way of learning. The aim of this study was to investigate which pedagogical approaches occupational therapists use in group activities.

Representeras ditt yrke? : - en kvantitativ studie om vilka yrken som representeras mest respektive minst i facktidskriften DIK-forum

The aim of our study has been to see how DIK-forum represents the occupational groups that are represented in the frames of the trade journal. We have, to find out the phenomenon, done a content analysis by looking into 18 numbers of DIK-forum from year 2006 and 2007. The 18 strategically chosen journals was enough to give us a statistic result that we later on could generalize over those two years of DIK-forum. Totally there were 818 articles, news items and vacant advertisements that made the central point of this study. By these materials have we studied the representation of the occupational groups to find out if there were any over- and/or under represented groups, and also if the publications of the material were directed to the students or to the occupational groups in these trade journals.In our study the results shows that the trade journal DIK-forum does not represent all the occupational groups at the same level.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Arbetsterapeuters informationssökningsbeteende: En intervjuundersökning vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

This thesis deals with the information-seeking behaviour of occupational therapists. Focus was on three different aspects of information-seeking behaviour. The purpose was to investigate how occupational therapists conceive of work-related information needs, their choice and use of formal and informal information sources and their use of the hospital library. Twelve interviews with occupational therapists were conducted at a rehabilitation clinic in a hospital. The theoretical frame consists of a general model of the information-seeking of professionals by Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain.

Att delta eller inte : En enkätstudie om elevers icke deltagande i idrott och hälsa på gymnasiet

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och stress inom relationsintensiva yrken : En kvantitativ studie rörande sambanden mellan anknytningsmönster, copingstilar och arbetsrelaterad stress

There has been a dramatic increase in long-term sick leave in Sweden, which largely depends on occupational stress. Occupational stress applies particularly in relationship-intensive jobs, which means that the individual works with a lot of contact or responsibility for other people. Research has shown that attachment is relevant to the choice of coping style and perception of stress in the workplace. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between attachment patterns, coping styles and occupational stress in relationship-intensive jobs and to extend previous studies by adding the variables age, work experience and education in relation to coping styles and occupational stress. The study was in quantitative form in which 186 participants from various relationship-intensive jobs across Sweden participated.

Vad är balans? : Balansförmåga hos barn i skolåldern

AimThe specific questions in the theoretic part were:What is contained in the terms "balance and balance skill" and how can this skill be measured?The specific questions in the empirical part were:How does balance skill in different age categories of children correlate with biological and physiological parameters such as age, gender, body height, weight and level of physical activity?MethodsLiterature search based on books and scientific papers related to the questions posed above. Selection was made at libraries and on?line through "Pubmed". Specific search words were used.

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